quinta-feira, maio 07, 2009

Turkish Body Language

Turkish say "yes" (evet) by nodding foward and down. To say "no" (hayir), nod your head up and back, lifting your eyebrows at the same time. Or just raise your eyebrows: that's "no".
By contrast, wagging your head from side to side doesn't mean "no" in Turkish: it means "I don't understand". So if a Turkish person asks you "Are you looking for the bus to Ankara?" and you shake your head, they'll assume you don't understand English and will probably ask you the same question again, this time in German.

If someone - a shopkeeper or restaurant waiter, for instance - wants to show you the stockroom or the kitchen, they'll signal "Come on" by waving a hand downward and towards themselves in a scooping motion. Waggling an upright finger would never occur to them, except perhaps as a vaguely obscene gesture.

Lonely Planet, Turkey

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Conheço esta cara...
Estas cores, o enquadramento...

Qual o próximo destino da Mochila?
Eu vou um mês p a Namíbia (20 dias c a Nomade e 10 em auto-gestão p poder captar os detalhes q se perdem em grupo).

MMP disse...

E aposto que também tens uma fotografia parecida. Grandes recordações...
Dizem que a Namíbia é um espanto. A Mochila vai até São Tomé num misto de voluntariado e turismo.