sexta-feira, junho 19, 2009

Viajante ou turista?

A traveler ...

  • carries a towel.
  • needs a reading light because they read books.
  • leaves with one bag and returns with one bag, and does not send one home.
  • knows the name of 3 cheap guidebooks.
  • uses the internet daily.
  • ask what day it is, and a tourist wants to know the time.
  • does not have a mobile phone, a tourist does.
  • does not iron their clothes.
  • walks slow a tourist walks fast.
  • will bring in U.S. dollars because they know the world uses dollars.
  • knows how to say hello in many languages.
  • normally travels and an independent or solo traveler.
  • slept with bedbugs on more than one occasion!
  • changes routes, itineraries, schedules and wanders the planet.
  • never stays in one location more than three months.
  • calculates the distance in terms of time, normally calculates by bus travel time.
  • knows that to go everywhere on the planet he cannot avoid getting dirty.
  • does not know when they are going home.
  • know the best way to do laundry is to do one to three pieces in the shower daily.
A tourist...
  • does not carry a towel, they expect one to be in the Hotel.
  • does not need a reading light, because they sightsee continuously.
  • leaves with one bag and returns with many, and even ships one home.
  • will have the bellman carry the bags, and the taxi waiting at the door.
  • buys a round trip ticket.
  • buys an around the world plane ticket.
  • pays with a credit card or buys travelers checks in their home country.
  • wants to rent a car.
  • has an itinerary.
  • pays what the taxi driver tell him or her, did not negotiate.
And you? Are you a traveler or a tourist?
(Hobo Traveler)

1 comentário:

PJF disse...

Tivera eu rédea solta e fora um viajante. Assim, sou mais turista científico.